Untitled (Southern Window), 2012

Glass, Lead, Wood
234 x 138 x 54cm

 Both photos: Vivian Cooper-Smith
Exhibited with (L-R) Alicia Sciberras, Vivian Cooper-Smith, Dara GillHelen Poyser and Iakovos Amperidis - unseen out of picture and making noise was the work of Julian Day

Invested Objects, 2009

Plywood, Nuts and Bolts, Pine, Coloured Paper laminated onto Plywood

Installation comprised of five components: Large Object, One Against Another I & II, One Against Another In Colour I & II
Invested Objects involves a large plywood construction suspended from the ceiling of the gallery. Its appearance is complete in the sense of being finished and displayed, although in existing only as framework there is a sense of abandonment and perhaps futility. The vacant centre and lack of any cladding on the large frame suggest a greater absence.
Four framed diagrammatic pictures relate to its construction and projected possibilities. The pictures work both in opposition and cooperation with the frame, documenting it in the form of a plan, similar to plans used for building objects such as boats, planes and buildings. At the same time they give a suggestion of what it may have been with cladding, while the works in colour operate in the same sense but operate on a painterly, abstract plane.